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My revamped onboarding flow, cut dropouts by 80%

Approximately 25% of our new users uninstalled the app within the first 24 hours. Find out how I "crushed" that figure.


Senior staff product designer (full-time)


Voicemod, Valencia (remote)


Marta's pictureMarie's pictureRenan's picture


2022 2023


Figma, Miro, Typeform, Lookback & Calendly



  • I was the main designer for Voicemod app, on MacOS
  • I dropped the high uninstall rate by doing the below
  • Created user surveys to identify reasons
  • Designed user journeys, wireframes, mockups and prototypes
  • Conducted user research and usability tests
  • Iterated designs based on user feedback
  • Oversaw implementation process


Voicemod is a real-time voice changing app for use with meeting apps such as Discord, Google Meet & Zoom. Users typically use it when gaming with friends.

I was one of the two main designers for the MacOS version.

Have fun while gaming

Transform your gaming experience


Immerse yourself in character and interact

Create content

Captivate your audience with voice effects

Video streaming apps

Jazz up your live streams

Meeting apps

Add some humor to your meetings

Metaverse apps

Anonymize your virtual presence in the Metaverse

Give it a go Right arrow

Play and toggle

Sound Information

Status: Loading

Playing Information

playing progress
Fancy arrow

Try different voices


Our "uninstall survey" (a survey that pops up when the user uninstalls the app) revealed a high dropout rate. New users were experiencing problems due to difficulty in setting up the app correctly.

25% of new users uninstalled within 24 hours due to lack of experience in using audio software; they couldn't set-up their gear properly, didn't know what was wrong and how to connect to a third party app.

Download icon


Installation icon


Troubled user icon

24.6% faced issues

Uninstall icon


Horizontal bracket

Within 24 hours

What was the number one thing that motivated you to uninstall Voicemod?

134.7k out of 134.7k people answered this question

Voicemod didn't work

Thumbs down icon14.4% 19k resp.

What exactly didn't work?

19.3k out of 134.7k people answered this question

I couldn't open Voicemod

Thumbs down icon24.6% 4.8k resp.

I couldn't connect Voicemod with Discord etc

Thumbs down icon21.2% 4.1k resp.

Typeform logo

To address this issue I proposed an onboarding process that would guide new users through the setup process and allow them to reach the "wow" moment of the app right from the start.

I presented my recommendations to the stakeholders and with minor changes, we decided to move forward to user validation using this Figma prototype.


"How can we effectively guide users quickly setup the app and experience the 'wow moment' in 5 minutes?"

Competitive analysis

Before anything, I conducted a competitive analysis to analyze strengths and weaknesses from key competitors.

The best and closest match to our case was Krisp.ai - a tool that allows users the stifle background noise to zero.

Analysis image

During the onboarding process Krisp.ai requires users to record their voice...

Analysis image

...and then test it to see the difference themselves. That's the "wow moment"!

Analysis image

Make sure users connect to third party apps right off the bat!

Analysis image

Asking users to train their voice to clone it from the start would be time consuming...

Analysis image

Introducing a soundboard during onboarding, would be nice but unnecessary...

User persona

Once done with the competitive analysis, I drafted a persona for me and the team to get acquainted with and feel empathetic towards.

The target audience consists mostly of Gen Z males as evidenced by surveys and user interviews.

Generation Z males


  • Have fun with friends
  • Curiosity
  • Stream on YouTube & Twitch


  • Authenticity
  • Autonomy
  • Community

Pain points

  • Too complicated
  • Don't know where to start
  • Can't change voice from Male to Female


  • Realistic voice
  • Recognizable characters (e.g., sound like a specific hero)

User persona

User journey

Having conducted thorough explorations, I identified three potential user journeys. I carefully evaluated each journey and selected the best.

User opens VM

Select use case

Pick your microphone & headphones

OS dialog for mic permission

Voice recording

User tries out various voices (wow moment)

Selects 3rd party app

Gets instructions


Moment of celebration!

Design goals

Survey results showed a high dropout rate, prompting a need for drastic action. We converted our key problems into opportunities to solve for in the new onboarding experience.

Audio setup3

Wow moment3

Third party integration4


Some of the early sketches that lead to the final result.



When done with the wireframes and mockups, I created this Figma prototype taking into consideration feedback from the stakeholders (including developers).

By incorporating their perspectives, I refined the design and started preparing for the user testing process.

The Figma prototype for the user testing

Question mark icon

Research fan? Take a look at the process

Research plan

To validate the new flow, the user research plan I prepared included the following key steps:

  • Research objectives
  • Research questions
  • Participant criteria

To ensure a successful user interview with everyone involved, I required the presence of two colleagues playing key roles:

  • a note-taker who should ideally be closely connected to the project (such as a product manager or stakeholder) and
  • an observer who validates that subsequent iterations are based on user feedback

Since I was the facilitator who conducted the interview with the user, I sought assistance from my partners in crime.

Of course I could have conducted the interviews alone and check later the recordings, but two heads are better than one...

User interview diagram
Question mark icon

My user research tools include Typeform to recruit participants & accepting GDPR terms, Calendly to schedule the interview slots and Lookback to conduct and record the interviews.

User interview intro script on a notepad

User interviews

During the user testing sessions, we explained our objectives and had participants complete the dummy onboarding with the prototype while asking open-ended questions to collect their thoughts and feedback.

While they interacted with the app, we observed their behavior, noted issues, confusions and paid attention to both verbal and nonverbal cues.

A short recording from Lookback.


When done with the testing sessions, we reviewed our notes and compiled a list of issues and opportunities for improvement.

We then analyzed this feedback to determine which changes were most important to address and incorporated them into our design.

Our Miro board looks a bit messy right after taking the notes. We groom it later.

Design system

The new onboarding experience not only drew upon the existing design system but also incorporated additional elements (atoms and molecules), further advancing and expanding the ecosystem.

Part of Voicemod's design system

Launch results

By providing clear guidance and instructions, users gained a better understanding of how to navigate and utilize the app effectively. As a result, the dropout rate dramatically decreased from 24.6% to an astounding 5%.

The implementation of the new onboarding flow brought tremendous success to the app, significantly reducing user uninstalls.

Dropout rate

5% -79.27%Arrow down icon

Dropouts with old version

Thumbs down icon24.6%

Dropouts with new version

5% Trophy icon

Problems during integration to Discord etc

2% -90.57%Arrow down icon

Problems with old version

Thumbs down icon21.2%

Problems with new version

2% Trophy icon

Typeform logo


Despite the increase in the number of clicks during the onboarding process, we observed a significant decrease in the dropout rate.

The main takeaways from this experience are:

  • Effective communication among teammates is crucial
  • User validated design decisions will always prevail

Next steps:

  • Further refinement and enhancement of onboarding development
  • Exploring automation possibilities with AI for smoother app setup

Thank you for reading! Glasses icon

ps. This was only one example of my work @Voicemod. Another major project I am involved with is the design of a completely new voice creating app.


AI-driven tech changing peoples' voices

"Jaime Bosch, the CEO of Voicemod, tells Julia Chatterley his technology gives users greater expression." —CNN

View videoDiagonal arrow
Jaime Bosch live on CNN

Voicemod is now available on Mac with real-time AI voice changing and soundboards

"Voicemod lets you transform your voice into fantasy characters or use a soundboard in games or Discord calls." —The Verge

Read articleDiagonal arrow
Voicemod on MacOS



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Senior UX designer (full-time) 2021 2022

Ennely app was a B2C MacOS video editor assistant that enabled content creators to create a first cut within minutes.

Find out how a unique app with no pre-established rules came to life and how along with a small team I created magic.

View project

Lightning bolt icon

Lightning fast 1st cuts

Footage duration

Camera icon869m.

User iconRequirements

  • Combine footage
  • Take selection
  • Remove silences

YouTube channel avatar@Channel

Dummy lines icon

This page was made possible by using many technologies which are either open source, or free to use. The least I could do, is to give credits to all the contributors for making our world open. THANK YOU.

Local dev environment set on Node.js & Gulp. The font I use is GT America and the icons are from ICONS8 collection named Dusk. Finally, the Notion-style illustrations are from Notioly.