Microsoft logo Power Automate logo

Reimagined interface unleashes the power of simplicity and usability!

Witness a remarkable transformation as I unveil the revamped UI/UX of WinAutomation into Power Automate Desktop, elevating user-friendliness and visual appeal to unprecedented heights. Bid farewell to the outdated design and embrace a sleek, modern interface that effortlessly captivates and simplifies people’s experience.



Senior designer (full-time)


Softomotive, acquired by Microsoft, Athens (hybrid)


George's pictureSavva's pictureTrifon's pictureKaterina's picture


2019 2020 2021


Adobe Suite, Sketch, Figma & Axure RP



  • Principal designer for Power Automate Desktop (Windows 11)
  • Collaborated with stakeholders to define clear design goals
  • Redesigned UI and improved UX through iterative design and usability testing
  • Addressed dated design, user-unfriendly UI and accessibility issues
  • Prioritized accessibility with high-contrast and screen reader enhancements
  • Enhanced iconography and overall design system
  • Result: successful project launch with impressive reviews


One of the products I'm most proud of designing is a desktop app initially called WinAutomation from Softomotive.

I was the principal designer on the project, responsible for everything from user research to iterated UI/UX design in a truly agile (meaning that we abided by all the rituals) team of seven.

I conducted internal user testing and feedback sessions throughout the design process to ensure the app met the needs of our target audience. On the process, the app was acquired by Microsoft and is now included in Windows 11 with its new name, Power Automate Desktop or PAD for short.

PAD is a low-code desktop automation solution that allows users to free up time and focus on things that really matter. Its key highlights:


Automates repetitive tasks


Enhances productivity


Integrates multiple systems



Prior to its transformation into PAD, the product was known as WinAutomation and was under the ownership of Softomotive.

Upon joining the team, I encountered three primary challenges with the product:

Screenshot from WinAutomation


It was dated

A visually outdated and disconnected design was observed by everyone


It was hard to use

A shift towards simplified user journeys for a wider user base was needed


It was inaccessible

Inclusive design is paramount for users with various limitations


"How can we streamline and simplify automation support for a broad audience?"

User persona

To gain a deeper understanding of our users, I crafted a persona to empathize and connect with their needs on a personal level.

Bot icon

Execute without oversight

"I'm tired of spending hours on end doing the same monotonous tasks."

Thumbs up icon

Boost productivity

"The repetitive nature of these tasks leave me feeling unproductive."

User persona

Bulb icon

Methodical at work

"I'm motivated to find a way to free up my time and focus on more important work."

Repeat icon

Automate workflows

"I yearn for a solution that brings ease and efficiency into my daily workflow."

Trash icon

Failing to meet OKRs

"The lack of automation options makes me waste time and my potential."

Design goals

The design process for WinAutomation commenced with thorough internal research. I initiated discussions with key stakeholders, including designers, developers, managers, the CTO and the CEO who had started it all.

My primary focus was on customer care representatives who had valuable first-hand insights. Additionally, I collaborated closely with tech writers who had been writing help page articles based on customer requests.

After gathering all the necessary pieces, the head of design, product manager and I collaborated to meticulously subcategorize the tasks into four main categories that I worked on as a the principal designer.

UI design4

UX improvements3


Design system4

UI redesign

When I undertook the UI facelift of the app (in 2019), it was still sporting a skeuomorphic design style reminiscent of the mid-2000s.

We embarked on a transformational journey by introducing:

  • Colors
  • Flat style icons
  • Enhancing layouts
  • Incorporating helpful illustrations

Click on the switch below Right arrow

Screenshot from WinAutomation
Compare icon

Curious about details? Dive a little deeper

WinAutomation iconWinAutomation (before)

Power Automate Desktop iconPower Automate Desktop (after)

WinAutomation UI layout
WinAutomation right click menu
WinAutomation browser recording dialog
WinAutomation Variables pane
WinAutomation main pane
WinAutomation icons
WinAutomation top icons
Power Automate Desktop UI layout
Power Automate Desktop right click menu
Power Automate Desktop browser recording dialog
Power Automate Desktop Variables pane
Power Automate Desktop main pane
Power Automate Desktop icons
Power Automate Desktop top icons

UX improvements

During the project, I communicated with stakeholders, involved developers early, maintained consistency with existing patterns, made enhancements, prioritized accessibility and conducted design QA checks for usability

Users icon

User research

I conducted user research to gain insights

Diamond icon

Defined objectives

I clearly defined the objectives of the UX & UI improvements based on feedback and business priorities

Ascending and sorting icon

Information architecture

I assessed the app's UX flows and identified opportunities to simplify them

Tools icon

Wireframing & prototyping

I created wireframes and interactive mockups to validate design ideas, with feedback from stakeholders

Build icon

Iterative design

Incorporating feedback I iterated on the mockups and prototypes

Magnifier icon

Usability testing

I conducted usability testing sessions to identify further areas for refinement


Why it matters

Every human on the planet approaches situations differently.

We all have different ways to think about problems, different things we need to make decisions and different ways we like to learn.

— Cambridge Cognition

Users with different needs
Users with different needs

Inclusive design principles

My work was based on three principles:

  • Recognize exclusion
  • Learn from diversity
  • Solve for one, extend to many

Throughout the development process, I meticulously oversaw the implementation, ensuring that screen readers and high contrast modes worked without any disruptions.

Power Automate Desktop without high contrast

Design system

When I joined WinAutomation, there was no established design system in place.

One of my responsibilities was to initiate the process by carefully analyzing the existing patterns and compiling an inventory of design assets and components across the entire Softomotive product family.

Just as I began the componentization process, the company underwent acquisition by Microsoft.

Consequently, I shifted gears and transitioned to utilizing Microsoft's renowned Fluent design system, aligning our efforts with their established framework.

PAD Typography
PAD Theme
PAD Buttons

Project launch results

Starting with a closed circle of beta testers, we verified that we had successfully achieved all the project goals.

From there on, since its acquisition by Microsoft, the app's user reach grew exponentially. As part of the Power Automate family (which allows other parts of Microsoft Office and more automation) it offers a lot more than originally anticipated.

Since it's included in Windows 11, it's attracting millions of users worldwide who rely on it to save time and prioritize their core tasks.

The business impact was huge and can be seen by the peer reviews it has received.

4.5 out of 5

Rating stars icon 376 reviews
G2 logo

4.5 out of 5

Rating stars icon 137 ratings
Gartner logo

8.3 out of 10

Rating stars icon 200 ratings
TrustRadius logo

4.4 out of 5

Rating stars icon 162 reviews
Capterra logo

4.0 out of 5

Rating stars icon 51 reviews
PeerSpot logo


Effective collaboration: The project's success hinged on seamless collaboration among individuals from diverse teams and locations.

Clear communication: Open and effective communication channels were essential to ensure everyone was aligned and felt productive in a cohesive working environment.

Adaptability to change: The acquisition of the company introduced new systems and processes, requiring the team to adapt and embrace change, leveraging it as an opportunity for growth.

Humility and teamwork: A low-ego approach and a strong focus on teamwork allowed accepting feedback and a collective commitment to achieving the project's objectives.

Continuous improvement: Regular retrospective rituals provided valuable insights for refining workflows, identifying areas for improvement and implementing adjustments to enhance future projects.

The journey of Power Automate Desktop is an ongoing one, marked by continuous growth and endless possibilities.

By harnessing the power of Chat GPT's technology across our product lineup, we have revolutionized the ease of building natural language-based automations.

Thank you for reading! Glasses icon

Power Automate Desktop iconYet another daily standup

Yet another daily standup

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Power Automate Desktop iconAt the new office

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Power Automate Desktop iconMicrosoft at night

Microsoft at night

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Power Automate Desktop iconUser journeys

User journeys

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Power Automate Desktop iconGeorge & Jesus

George and Jesus

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Power Automate Desktop iconApollo team on a typical standup

Apollo team on a typical standup

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Power Automate Desktop iconApollo team in retrospective mode

Apollo team in retrospective mode

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Power Automate Desktop iconWorking on the icons

Working on the icons

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Power Automate Desktop iconDesign + QA

Design team with the QA grand-master

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Power Automate Desktop iconGood ol' fun around the Xmas tree

Good ol' fun around the Xmas tree

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Power Automate Desktop iconDesign team out and about

Design team out and about

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Microsoft acquires Softomotive to expand low-code robotic process automation

"During his Build keynote, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella today confirmed that the company has acquired Softomotive, a software robotic automation platform." —TechCrunch

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Person working on a laptop with Microsoft Power Automate.

Real world automation stories with Microsoft Power Automate

This post contains a set of automation stories curated by the Power CAT team with a focus on robotics process automation (RPA) in Power Automate. —Microsoft

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Person working on a laptop with Microsoft Power Automate.



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Senior UX designer (full-time) 2021 2022

With OgmaCast you can make online calls better with Spotify and voice tweaks.

Check this out to find out how I led this greenfield project and designed a new product from scratch!

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Add music to your online meetings.

Spotify iconUsing Spotify

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This page was made possible by using many technologies which are either open source, or free to use. The least I could do, is to give credits to all the contributors for making our world open. THANK YOU.

Local dev environment set on Node.js & Gulp. The font I use is GT America and the icons are from ICONS8 collection named Dusk. Finally, the Notion-style illustrations are from Notioly.